State Hawaii
Business License
$49 Does not include any govt fees or taxes. (Normally, govt fees are from $0 to $50 but can be more) (Does NOT Include GOV'T Taxes)
Seller's Permit
$39 (Fees, if any, Are Included)
Federal ID
$29 (Fees, if any, Are Included)
DBA Business Name
$119 (All Gov't Fees,, & Publication, First Class Shipping & Notarization, if any, Included)
State Tax
$79 (Fees, if any, Are Included)
$199 ALL FEES INCLUDED: COMPLETE PACKAGE INCLUDED - NOTHING MORE WILL YOU NEED -- except licenses & tax ids -- : ALL Required Gov’t Filing Fees, a Complete Corporate Document + Bylaws package, Preparation and Filing * Name Check * S corporation preparation * 24/7 Access to Order Status. * Certificate * Shipping * Notarization, & Legal Newspaper Publication, if any. *)
$299 (N-0 H-I-D-D-E-N FEES! ALL FEES INCLUDED: COMPLETE PACKAGE INCLUDED - NOTHING MORE WILL YOU NEED: ALL Required Gov’t Filing Fees, a Complete Corporate Document package, Preparation and Filing * Name Check * LLC Agreement * 24/7 Access to Order Status. * Certificate * Shipping * Notarization, & Legal Newspaper Publication, if any. *)
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